Pain in waves…

Do you ever wonder why the pain comes in waves?  I think its total torture.  I will have a good 3-4 days with no crying or overt sadness and then BAM I will cry at a song or just thinking about Olivia.  It hits you like a ton of bricks.  I was crying in the shower and my hubby comes and asks me whats wrong and I said I should be worrying about my baby shower right now.  Its just so damn hard some days!!!


My name is Cindy

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Posted in Loss
9 comments on “Pain in waves…
  1. I can relate. Sometimes I find myself still grieving the loss of my son a year ago. It’s not that I haven’t healed, but that I miss him. Some days I’m consumed by my current pregnancy and others I’m longing for him.
    Hang in there, my thoughts are with you….Hugs!

  2. Yes, horrible, excruciating waves. I’m in a wave of extreme anxiety atm. I’ve never had a day without tears.

  3. Egg Timer says:

    Yep, been that.. still doing that… My baby would be due in just over a weeks time and the pain I thought I had started to heal from comes back more frequently these days.

  4. HUGS! It takes time. I know that’s cliche, but it’s true. I’m over a year out since my loss and I still have days where I cry over the loss of my son. You’re still so close to it. (You haven’t even passed Olivia’s due date yet.) Be gentle with yourself. The first two weeks are absolute hell. The month after that is more grey-ish. After that, you’ll realize you are having more good days than bad ones.

    The hurt never really does away (or it hasn’t for me yet, at least). It just get easier to deal with in some ways.

    It just takes time.

  5. hilary says:

    I think everything comes in waves… Hang in there

  6. gardengirl29 says:

    I’m so sorry and am sending you hugs.

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