I had a miscarriage….

So I didnt know if I would ever write on this blog again and I am still debating on how to handle it but I had a miscarriage at 15 weeks back in April.  I have had every test known possible on me and the baby and everything was normal.  My sweet baby boy was 100% normal and I still had a miscarriage.  I was beyond devastated and needed a D&E which was an ordeal given that I have a TAC but thankfully they were able to do the procedure and not damage it.

I had my 8 frozen embryos PGS tested to make sure that for my next transfer I would be transferring a normal embryo.  Out of the 8 embryos 4 are normal and 1 is mosaic.

We are now doing a FET and I am currently on estrogen and hopefully we will be transferring 1 normal embryo on 9/6/17.


My name is Cindy

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Posted in IVF/Infertility, Loss, TTC
6 comments on “I had a miscarriage….
  1. I’m so sorry! This is truly devastating news.

  2. DitchTheBun says:

    Oh no. I am so sorry! This is just awful. I have no words. Please know that I am thinking about you and giving you virtual love xx

  3. nonsequiturchica says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. What is a mosaic embryo?

    • cindy szlaien-ng says:

      Mosaic means that it is not 100% normal so it could have a chromosome missing or an extra one…my doctor said it was missing chromosome 13 which would mean it would probably not result in a pregnancy

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